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Role of Ayurved Sattvavajay in pregnancy – Vd Uma


Role of Ayurved Sattvavajay in pregnancy – Vd Uma

May 9th, 2021 by  / Total comments: 93
On the occasion of Mother’s Day, what would be the best gift that can surprise everyone and give them peace of mind apart from mothers or new mothers.And this is the reason for this blog. Nowadays every couple is aware about having healthy progeny which is said to be achieved through various established treatments in protocols. But most of protocols focuses on physical ailments only while ancient treasure which mentions Samskar named as ‘Garbha Samskar’focuses on all the physical, mental & spiritual aspects before & after conception. Pregnancy is the safest way to ensure complete physical,psychological, intellectual and spiritual development of the foetus. Considering mental dimension, introducing speculative ‘Ayurved Satwavjay Chikitsa’(Satwa refers to mind, Jai means techniques to control it) in ‘Garbha Samskar’during pregnancy is like “cherry on top”.In modern era the techniques which are being used to control mind and to increase its strength are nothing but extensions of Ayurved Satwavjai Chikitsa.One of most known technique is being mindfulness. So have look over its effects…….Mindfulness is an internal effort in self-regulating mind and body there are emotional as well as biological benefits of it. # Women goes through anxiety,stress,tension,mood swings during her pregnancy. #Anxiety increases stress-stress increases cortisol-hormone this increases-blood sugar level & is a unique approach which helps in decreasing all this&maintaining peace of mind. # This brain exercises helps keep calm and give her good sleep. # Ayurved Satwavjai Chikitsa balances hormone levels and neurotransmitters and that helps in maintaining proper state of mind and body. # It increases the immunity and also stamina to bear labour pains there epidural and also see section if needed .# It creates an emotional connection between foetus and mother well by regular practice of mindfulness. # The techniques in this help in deleting the unwanted stuff in our mind and freshens of the mother making her come and connected with foetus. Ayurveda Satwavjai Chikitsa relaxes mother and creates a beautiful bond between mother and baby and helps cherishing their relationship before birth itself.

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