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Mindfulness need of hour – Vd Sukhada Pande


Mindfulness need of hour – Vd Sukhada Pande

April 28th, 2021 by  / Total comments: 26
Mindfulness – Need of hour

Source: Hello friends, hope you all are doing best. Today while thinking on a dreadful situation of Covid Pandemic, a thing made me to note that, although we are going through various webinars, selfie challenges, online education, oops, laughter epidemic, does it really working to tackle the storm of thought responsible to change the mindset of covid or non covid guy? Hey, it was just to lighten the situation. We are moving towards the epidemic of covid 19. We are all burdened with information about it so there is no need to discuss it! But did you know that the WHO has since expressed concern about a variety of mental illness (epidemic) epidemics! Yes it is true!

Source: WHO I just have a simple question for all of you? is this really the disease that is scaring you? I would say ‘no’ without taking credit for the Covid-19 virus and its severity The situation is frightening for infected as well as infected individuals. Why so?? Infected individuals are struggling with the symptoms and fears and anxieties caused by their experiences with others; Nothing can be done, there is no cure for the disease, there is a lack of medicines and other things and much more. Those who are not infected have fear and stress of what will happen if I get infected, what will happen if my loved ones get infected, fear of being detached from loved ones. Source : Timeofindia
  • There is stress for the health, for the life of the people in the family of the infected person, I will lose that person; And the pain of not being able to perform the last rites of your loved ones according to the respective religion. The symptoms of an infected person will be taken care of by medical science, but what about other conditions? These are all emotional disorders that require psychiatry and we can improve and improve many things in our society through it – Sattvajaya Chikitsa Prohibition teaches us- we can reduce the intensity, frequency and duration of this fear, stress, anxiety. It is training to pay attention right now so we are taking the right precautions right now and it also says that if you have taken care of everything, now consider the disease, notice and accept the sensations in the body caused by them. With your feelings. With the help of relaxation techniques and other means of mindfulness. This will help both infected and non-infected groups. We all know fear, stress weakens the immune system in the language of Ayurveda. ‘Vishado Rogvardhanam’ increases the symptoms of this disease. So, let’s learn mentally to cope up with all stressful situations and maintain our mental health and make our society a better place to live. Stay healthy Stay Connected….

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